How to Improve Your Physical Training Uniform

Go2 now offers socks that meet the standard for wear in the Armed Forces during physical training and off-duty time. These socks offer a way for servicemembers to improve their physical training uniform by increasing the blood circulation to their legs and feet both during and after workouts.
Compression socks help boost performance during physical training and help with recovery during off-duty hours. PT compression socks apply gentle pressure to the legs, increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to muscles by improving circulation and blood flow.
Current Standards For Military Uniforms
Each branch of the Armed Services has its own standards for PT uniforms and off-duty dress. Servicemembers wear PT uniforms during exercise, calisthenics and drills, as well as during unit formation runs and other exercises.
The following gives an overview for each branch. Keep in mind that you can only wear Go2 PT compression socks while off-duty or to improve your physical training uniform.
The Army PT uniform consists of a black T-shirt with short or long sleeves and the word “Army” on it in gold. Army shorts are black with the word “Army” in gold. In colder weather, Army personnel can wear fleece hats that cover the ears but not the eyebrows, a black and gold jacket with gold Army logo, black gloves and black pants with gold Army logo.
The basic Navy PT uniform includes a gold short sleeve shirt with Navy logo, blue shorts with Navy logo, sneakers and athletic socks. Optional items include a cap, sweatshirt, fitness suit, jacket and pants. While at sea, the wearing of a PT uniform is at the discretion of the commanding officer.
In its extensive rules on what to wear, the Marines emphasize that people identify and associate Marines with the U.S. Marine Corps in and out of uniform. They mandate that Marines maintain conservative attire. The standard PT uniform consists of green general purpose trunks and standard olive green undershirt. The commander prescribes what footwear or headgear that can be worn. In cold weather, the PT uniform is an olive green sweatshirt and pants, with USMC lettering and Marine Corps emblem on the shirt’s left breast and on upper left leg of the pants.
Air Force
The Air Force requires a white T-shirt and blue shorts for its PT uniform, with a long-sleeve shirt for cooler weather. They also require the Air Force jacket to be worn with the zipper at least halfway zipped, and the sleeves within one inch of the wrist, among other rules. There are no restrictions on athletic shoes and socks may have small trademark logos.
Why Wear Compression Socks?
Compression socks are designed to help performance during training and to speed up recovery during down time. They apply pressure to your lower legs, helping maintain blood flow and reducing discomfort and swelling.
By choosing PT compression socks with the right fit, you get all these benefits. Where once compression socks were associated only with older people with circulation issues, athletes have learned they provide what they need both for better performance and better recovery.
With socks that meet standards for wearing with PT uniforms and during off-duty hours, military servicemembers now have the chance to enjoy the advantages of PT compression socks and get the most out of their training.