Compression Socks for Pregnancy | CVI Relief Tips | How to Relieve DVT

Compression Socks for Pregnancy

Compression Socks for Pregnancy | CVI Relief Tips | How to Relieve DVT

Most pregnant women experience edema, which is a mild swelling of the feet, legs and other extremities. The good news is that compression socks for pregnancy can provide relief, relaxing muscles and improving blood flow to feet and legs.

Just being pregnant is one of the scenarios that cause edema (others include eating too much salty food or sitting in one position for too long). It’s nothing that requires medical attention unless it’s severe swelling.

In the vast majority of edema cases, putting on a pair of compression socks for pregnancy can help reduce swelling and also combat formation of varicose veins.

Edema and Pregnancy

Women swell during pregnancy because their bodies are making about 50% more blood and body fluids to meet the needs of the developing baby. In addition to the feet and legs, women also may experience swelling in the face and hands, according to the American Pregnancy Association (APA).

The swelling can occur at any point in your pregnancy. However, in most cases it tends to start around the fifth month and increase throughout the third trimester. Other factors that contribute to edema during pregnancy can include heat in the summer, standing for long periods, being active for an entire day, high levels of sodium intake and high levels of caffeine consumption, according to the APA.

Your doctor may also recommend that you wear compression socks if you are considered at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or to provide CVI relief (CVI is chronic venous insufficiency, which can lead to varicose veins).

How Compression Socks For Pregnancy Help With Edema

Compression socks for pregnancy can help with both edema and varicose veins. It not only can reduce swelling and the risk of varicose veins, but also help you feel more comfortable. Compression socks put gentle pressure on your legs and feet, relaxing muscles and veins and allowing for better blood flow.

The key is finding the right compression sock for you. Typically, knee-high compression socks work best to improve blood flow throughout your lower legs and feet. Some may choose ankle socks for the feet alone.

Other factors to consider when looking for the right compression socks for pregnancy include the fit and compression. Compression socks should fit firmly but not too tightly. Go2 offers compression levels at medium and high, measured in units of pressure (mmHg). Medium is around 15 to 20 mmHg, while high runs up to 30 mmHg.

Compression socks for pregnancy offer a safe, effective way to deal with the mild swelling and risk of varicose veins most pregnant women face. By searching the styles here on the Go2 site and contacting our experts, you can find the right compression socks for pregnancy that will work best in your situation.
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